The People Behind Elven Roots
About the Author
Jennifer Abrahamsen is a full time Mathematics educator in Blauvelt, New York. She holds a degree in mathematics, a post-graduate degree in Computer Science, and a second post-graduate degree in Literacy. Abrahamsen’s dream is to live in a realm where all of her students find wonder and excitement when seeing the intricate mathematical patterns found all around them. Until that realm is discovered, she lives in Port Jervis, New York with her husband, Phil.
When Abrahamsen is not grading papers or planning lessons, she enjoys reading, writing, crochet, embroidery, genealogy, creating chainmaille jewelry. dog obedience training and spending time with her husband, Doberman/Springer Spaniel mix named Bernie, Golden Retriever/Boxer mix named Elske, and cats Stormy and Porkchop

About the Cover Artist
Darren Leonard is a retired Camden County Sheriff and former professional wrestling persona, "The American Roughneck." He is a veteran of the U.S. Navy and a father to two daughters, Devin and Katie. Darren lives with his wife, Kim, in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. He created the cover art for "Finding the Past" from a character description and a single paragraph from an unfinished manuscript

Education & Writing
MS Walden University
Jennifer Abrahamsen earned a second Masters degree from Walden University after several years of teaching. The degree, in Literacy in the Content Areas, allowed her to implement written expression, in her mathematics classroom.
Students are not only asked to write about how answers were found, or why they believe an answer to be correct, but Abrahamsen often has her students self-evaluate and write about their experience in the class and with the content.
Math is not a subject many see as exciting. Abrahamsen has honed her skills as an entertainer and story-teller before the toughest critics in this realm. Middle School students.
Abrahamsen believes that a complement from a middle school student is more precious than any Golden Globe or Pulitzer Prize. Her most treasured complements from her students sound like, "I used to hate math, but now it's my favorite class," or "I really hate math, but I like your class. You make it fun."
MS Iona College
Jennifer Abrahamsen holds a Masters Degree in Computers in the Classroom. Though no one seems to have a need for her to create programs in BASIC or C++ anymore, many of the graphic design, web and editing skills she picked up while working on the degree were helpful while navigating the world of self-publishing.
Abrahamsen likes to involve her students in her writing process. Over the years, she has offered to read some of her students essays and stories for ELA class, as well as their personal writing.
While fine-tuning "Finding the Past," Abrahamsen had several students who were more excited about writing than most.
BA Dominican University
Jennifer Abrahamsen holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics. She graduated Cum Laude in 2000. Her honors program theses explored the worth of using written expression and descriptions in mathematics instruction. The patterns of mathematics fascinate Abrahamsen, but it is the written word that allows her to communicate that fascination with others.
Through the process of choosing an audio book producer, Abrahamsen had her students listen to auditions and help pick the voice that sounded best for the story.
The students were asked to enter positive and negative comments for each audition. The students understand that constructive criticism, as well as complements are part of the learning process. Those comments were shared with the producers who auditioned.